Monday, September 24, 2007

"Prisoners nabbed after female guard killed"

Two inmates, Jerry Martin and John Ray Falk, were working in a field outside the Wynne Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice north of Huntsville when they killed a woman prison guard after over powering her and running her over in a stolen pick up truck. Both prisoners were apprehended within a few hours. Before being caught though, escapees carjacked a woman outside a Guaranty Bank and stole her red pick up truck. After a shootout with the officers near the bank, the twosome got away. Falk was obtained within an hour but Martin remained at large and was believed to be armed.

(link to original article):

1 comment:

Bill Pickle said...

This is why we need to implate GPS chips in inmates. Shock collars would also be good.

The female guard should have shot them before they came within arms reach.